About Us

“Dr James” Van Wagoner has been a teacher since 1976. He has taught every age group including yours! He spent the last 30-years teaching chiropractors nationwide. NBS review instruction includes many unique learning methods including: Brain mapping, layering techniques and multisensory teaching skills. He is a master of clinical integration. NBS courses can help you simplify and own many clinical concepts. In addition, this outstanding system will help you sort through endless test questions now and practice issues in your future. Dr. James’ has additional degrees in: Masters of Educational Administration, NMD, LCP, and is a certified psychophysiologist. His degrees have all helped shape his depth of appreciation and understanding of the body. He has been an athletic trainer, coach, and teacher. He has owned, with Dr. Laura, 3 successful chiropractic clinics. He understands the challenges of the real world! As the Palmer Ambassador, he was a main spokesperson for the Institution for nearly 6 years. He has delivered numerous keynote addresses for graduations, prospective student events, president club meetings and more. There is no doubt about it.......Dr. James can help you become the doctor you want to be!


“Dr. Laura” Van Wagoner is a seasoned chiropractor and has co-owned several clinics. She has been a remarkable national educator for over 25 years. Her primary focus is presenting basic science instruction to students from every chiropractic college worldwide. She has written and presented continuing education courses on women’s issues, natural healing and extremity adjusting. Her physiology labbook was used for years at LCCW. Dr Laura organized senior forum and was a science instructor for LCCW as well. She has organized endless amounts of data and she can help you do the same! Her specialty for Part 4 is ortho/neuro and adjusting instruction. She has also co‐authored much of the clinical information for the NBS Reviews over the last 20 years. Dr Laura is president of NBS and has administered the NBS office since its inception. She has organized as many as 250 student seminars, continuing education and faculty in-service programs annually. She is a tireless worker and does not stop until it is done right. That means you will receive top quality every time you take a NBS review. She wants you to be successful too. You want Dr. Laura on your team!